family, Nurse, parenting

Let’s get Personal

Hello Everyone, Thank you so much for visiting Amazing Adventures of Pregnancy blog. I am so thankful you take the time to read,comment and like. I will be continuing this Pregnancy Health page, but have decided to get personal. Yes, I want to share me with you. My life as a wife,mother, daughter and nurse.… Continue reading Let’s get Personal

family, Fathers, Uncategorized

Father’s Day

My Father's Happy Place- the Backyard The backyard was one of my father's happy places. I can close my eyes and see him sitting here at the patio table, wearing his plaid shirt, dockers, sun hat, meat on the grill, glass filled with ice and coca cola with his pocket bible in the front pocket… Continue reading Father’s Day


5 Nurse Tips for Pelvic Girdle Pain

Pregnancy is a miraculous experience, and in that miraculous event there are many ups and downs. You may experience physical changes in your body you never imagined. One symptom that may rise up is Pain ... Moms-to-be, are you feeling that sharp pain in your pelvic area? A pain that appears when you move or… Continue reading 5 Nurse Tips for Pelvic Girdle Pain

doula, labor and delivery, Postpartum Depression, pregnancy, Uncategorized


Birth is more than a physical transformation, it is an evolution of spirit, mind and body. Physically, mentally and spiritually, you will find yourself experiencing a metamorphosis that at times leave you feeling you are having a personal rebirth. Photo by Jou00e3o Paulo de Souza Oliveira on The birth of a child can be… Continue reading Birth